Graphics File Formats
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    Graphics File Formats

    On this page we have listed many types of graphics file formats.

    The formats that we recommend for common applications are shown below:If you prefer to view only those file formats containing a particular type of data, please review these pages:

    Graphics File Formats

    Here is a fairly comprehensive list of graphics file formats (some of these formats may be rarely encountered and/or are intended for specialist applications):

    Short Name Long Name Typical File Extensions Content
    3G2 3GPP2 .3g2 .3gp2 .3gpp2 .3p2 Video
    3GP 3GPP .3gp .3gpp .mp4 Video
    AI Adobe Illustrator .ai Vector
    AMV AMV .amv .mtv Video/Audio
    ANI Microsoft Windows Animated Cursor .ani Color/Animated Cursor
    APNG Animated Portable Network Graphics .png Bitmaps/Animation
    ASF Microsoft Advanced System Format .asf Video/Audio
    AVI Audio Video Interleave .avi Video
    BMP Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap .bmp .dib Bitmap
    CALS Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support Raster Format .cal Monochrome Bitmap
    CDR CorelDRAW .cdr Vector
    CFP CoverFactory Project .cfp eBook Cover
    CGM Computer Graphics Metafile .cgm Metafile
    CPT Corel Photo-Paint .cpt Layered Bitmaps
    CUR Microsoft Windows Cursor .cur Monochrome Cursor
    DCX DCX .dcx Multiple Bitmaps
    DEGAS DEGAS .pc1 .pc2 .pc3 .pi1 .pi2 .pi3 Monochrome/Color Bitmap
    DES Corel Designer (Version 10 or later) .des Vector
    DGN DesiGN .dgn CAD/Vector
    DIVX DIVX .divx .dvx Video
    DPP Serif DrawPlus Project .dpp Vector
    DRW Drawing File .drw Vector
    DSF Corel Designer (Version 9 or earlier) .dsf Vector
    DWF Design Web Format .dwf .dwfx CAD Publishing
    DWG DraWinG .dwg CAD/Vector
    DXB Drawing eXchange Binary .dxb CAD/Vector
    DXF Drawing eXchange Format .dxf CAD/Vector
    DjVu DjVu .djvu .djv Bitmap
    Dr. Halo Dr. Halo .cut .pal Bitmap
    EMF Microsoft Windows Enhanced Metafile .emf Metafile
    EMZ Microsoft Windows Enhanced Metafile (Compressed) .emz Metafile
    EPS Encapsulated PostScript .eps Page Description
    EVA Extended Vector Animation .eva Vector Animation
    Exif Exchangeable Image File Format .exf Bitmap
    F4V Flash Video .f4v .f4p .f4a .f4b Video/Audio
    FH FreeHand .fh Vector
    FITS Flexible Image Transport System .fit .fits Bitmap and Astronomical Data
    FLA Adobe (Macromedia) Flash FLA Project File Format .fla Animation/Multimedia/Video
    FLC FLC .flc Animation
    FLI FLI .fli Animation
    FLV Flash Video .flv Video/Audio
    FNT Microsoft Windows Font .fnt Font
    FPX FlashPix Format .fpx Bitmap
    Flare Xara Flare .xar Vector
    G3 Group 3 1D Fax File .g3 Monochrome Bitmap
    G4 Group 4 Fax File .g4 Monochrome Bitmap
    GEM GEM Metafile .gem Metafile
    GIF Graphics Interchange Format .gif Bitmaps/Animation
    HD Photo HD Photo .hdp .wdp Bitmaps
    HPGL Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language .plt .hpg .hp2 .pl2 Vector
    ICO Microsoft Windows Icon .ico Icon
    IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Specification .iges .igs CAD
    IMG GEM IMG .img Bitmap
    JFIF Joint Photographic Experts Group File Interchange Format .jpeg .jpg .jpe Bitmap
    JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group .jpeg .jpg .jpe Bitmap
    Lotus PIC Lotus PIC .pic Vector
    MAC MacPaint .mac Bitmap
    MKV Matroska Multimedia Container .mkv .mk3d .mka .mks Video/Stereoscopic Video/Audio/Subtitles
    MNG Multi-image Network Graphics .mng Bitmaps/Animation
    MP4 MPEG-4 Part14 .mp4 .m4a .m4p .m4b .m4r .m4v Video/Audio
    MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group .mpeg .mpg .m1v .mpe Video
    MrSID Multiresolution Seamless Image Database .sid Bitmap
    ODG OpenDocument drawing .odg .fodg Vector
    OFF Object File Format .off CAD
    OS/2 BGA OS/2 Bitmap Graphics Array .bga Bitmaps
    OS/2 BMP OS/2 Bitmap .bmp Bitmap
    OTF OpenType Font .otf Font
    OpenRaster OpenRaster .ora Layered Bitmaps
    PBM Portable Bitmap .pbm .pnm Monochrome Bitmap
    PCD Kodak Photo CD .pcd Bitmap
    PCL Printer Command Language .pcl Page Description
    PCX ZSoft PCX .pcx Bitmap
    PDF Portable Document Format .pdf Page Description
    PDN Paint.NET .pdn Layered Bitmaps
    PGM Portable Gray Map .pgm .pnm Grayscale Bitmap
    PICT Macintosh PICT .pct Metafile
    PNG Portable Network Graphics .png Bitmap
    PNM Portable aNy Map .pnm Bitmap
    PPM Portable Pixel Map .ppm .pnm Color Bitmap
    PS PostScript .ps Page Description
    PSB Adobe Photoshop Big .psb Layered Bitmaps
    PSD Adobe Photoshop Document .psd Layered Bitmaps
    PSP PaintShop Pro Image .psp Layered Bitmaps
    PSPIMAGE PaintShop Pro Image .pspimage Layered Bitmaps
    Pictor PIC Pictor PC Paint .pic .clp Bitmap
    QuickTime QuickTime .mov Video
    RIFF Resource Interchange File Format N/A Container
    RMFF RealMedia File Format .rm Video/Audio
    SCR SCR .scr Bitmap
    SDR SmartDraw Document .sdr Vector
    SFW Seattle FilmWorks .sfw Bitmap
    SGI Silicon Graphics Image File Format .bw .int .inta .rgb .rgba .sgi Bitmap
    SPP Serif PhotoPlus Project .spp Bitmap
    SVG Scalable Vector Graphics .svg svgx Vector
    SWF Small Web Format (Flash) - originally "ShockWave Flash" .swf Animation/Multimedia/Video
    SWI SWiSH Project File .swi Animation/Multimedia/Video
    SXD SXD .sxd Vector
    Sk Skencil Sketch .sk Vector
    Sun Rasterfile Sun Rasterfile .ras .rast .scr .sr .sun Bitmap
    TGA TrueVision TARGA .tga .vst .vda .icb .tpic Bitmap
    THM Thumbnail .thm Bitmap
    TIFF Tagged Image File Format .tif Bitmap
    TTF TrueType Font .ttf Font
    UNIX Plot Format UNIX Plot Format .plot Vector
    VDX Microsoft Visio Drawing XML .vdx Vector
    VICAR Video Image Communication and Retrieval .vic .img Bitmap
    VOB Video OBject .vob DVD Content incl. Video/Audio
    VSD Microsoft Visio Drawing .vsd Vector
    WBMP Wireless Bitmap .wbmp Monochrome Bitmap
    WMF Microsoft Windows Metafile .wmf Metafile
    WMV Windows Media Video .wmv .wm Video/Audio
    WMZ Microsoft Windows Metafile (Compressed) .wmz Metafile
    WPG WordPerfect Graphics .wpg Metafile
    WebP WebP .webp Bitmap/Animation
    XAR Xara XAR .xar Vector
    XBM X Window Bitmap .h Monochrome Bitmap/Icon/Cursor
    XCF eXperimental Computing Facility .xcf Layered Bitmaps
    XPM X Window PixMap .h Bitmap/Icon/Cursor
    XPS XML Paper Specification .xps Page Description
    XWD X Window Dump .xwd Bitmap
    sK1 sK1 .sk1 Vector

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